Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Charles Darwin by Kathleen Krull

Krull, Kathleen. 2010. Charles Darwin.  Ill by Boris Kulikov. New York: Viking.  ISBN  9780670063352

Plot Summary 
This book is a biography about the great science innovator, Charles Darwin.  Author Kathleen Krull creates an incredible personal look in Darwin's life and shows the reader a side of him that we might not know such as his shy nature and love for his children and grandchildren.  This book covers Darwin's life from birth to death as well as his personal and professional life. 

Critical Analysis 
Kathleen Krull is a well known author and has a strong reputation for writing children's books about science.  Accuracy is supported in this book by a bibliography section in the back pages.  The book is organized in a simple, sequential way so that it is easy to follow and it also contains a table of contents in the beginning. 

The design of this book is also simple and easy to follow with well-detailed, and often times humorous, illustrations to accompany the texts.  The illustrations show Darwin carrying bugs in his mouth or riding on the shell of a tortoise.  These illustrations add to the idea that Darwin was a typical guy just like the rest of us by showing him in silly situations. 

The style of the book showed Charles Darwin in a light that many may not think of him in.  The author made sure to humanize him by focusing on his personality and family life.  This was refreshing and readers will find themselves rooting for his success and happiness as they read through the book.  The book explains Darwin's theories in ways that are easy to understand and also helps to clear up some of the misconceptions we might have about him.     

Review Excerpts
  • Voya's Nonfiction Honor List 2010
  • School Library Journal-"Krull does a fabulous job of making Darwin real, from boyhood to adulthood."
*Visit this website devoted to Charles Darwin.  Users can read his complete works as well as more personal items such as marriage notes and journal entries.  http://darwin-online.org.uk/
*Read more biographies in Kathleen Krull's Giants of Science series such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Sigmund Freud, Marie Curie, and Albert Einstein. 

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